CultivationFolding upright rotary tiller machines are the most
technically successful professional machines in terms
of their contributions to both soil and plant in
cultivation and seedbed preparation and also excel with
their easy use, robust, strong structural design,
offering a wide range of models that can meet every
need. As its durable blades, which make deep tillage up
to 28 em perpendicular to the soil, cultivates the soil
without trenching, the soil moisture is preserved and the formation of hard pan is prevented. The roller
behind the machine puts pressure on the treated soil,
allowing the soil to remain mellow. With its different
working width options up to 6 meters, it provides great
convenience through high productivity. Its width
decreases by 2,2 meters due to its folding feature. With
the optional hydraulie attachment, another piece of
equipment can be connected to the PTO behind the
gearbox, which saves time and fuel by doing more than
one job at a time, reducing field traffic. Due to the
safety system shaft used in the machine, any problem
that may occur in the tractor or the machine
prevented if the machine gets stuck on stone or root.
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